Economic Development
Economic development aims to foster a robust local economy by attracting investment that generates jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities, eliminating barriers to building wealth, increasing income and assets, preserving local businesses, and attracting new business and retail development.
Small Business/Technical Assistance
Small Business/Technical Assistance

Fifth Ward CRC and its partners are committed to growing small businesses and local entrepreneurs through workshops and technical assistance that build capacity, enhances opportunities, and provide information and access to capital and market share.

Contracting and vendor opportunities are often available. If your business is looking for a home commercial office space is coming soon!

Contracting Opportunities
Contracting Opportunities

Fifth Ward CRC, along with other agencies, solicits bids from businesses for various goods and services. The purpose of this page is to solicit local contractors job opportunities that may lead to prime or subcontracting opportunities.

If you are interested in learning more information please refer questions to [email protected]

Vendor Opportunities
Vendor Opportunities

We appreciate any and all interest in doing business within the Fifth Ward community. In order to be notified of, or participate in, any current or future opportunities, you must first register your business with us.

You are encouraged to register with Fifth Ward CRC even if there are no current vendor opportunities available, as there may be some in the future that are of interest to you. Please send your business information, as well as any questions or comments regarding Fifth Ward CRC business opportunities to [email protected].

Contact Us to Learn More!
About Fifth Ward CRC
Fifth Ward CRC provides comprehensive community revitalization to Houston’s historic 5th Ward to meet the needs of both long standing and new residents as well as community stakeholders. Our primary goal is to improve the quality of life for all residents in our traditionally underserved community.
Contact Us
Address: 4300 Lyons Ave #300
Houston, TX 77020, USA
Office Hours: Mon -Thrs 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Friday 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
© 2022 Fifth Ward Community Redevelopment Corporation | All Rights Reserved.